The Kavanaugh Effect

Run for Something
4 min readOct 2, 2018

Last week was tough. For 48 hours, millions of people around the world watched in horror as Dr. Christine Blasey was shamed and verbally harassed by the Senate Judiciary Committee as she recounted her harrowing sexual assault. Even more infuriating was the complete indifference — and at times, outright hostility — paid to Dr. Blasey, especially when compared to the support given to accused rapist Brett Kavanaugh.

America is a nation that is built on progress and last week’s hearings showed how little progress has been made when addressing sexual violence and gender equality. More to the point, the GOP proved what we already knew in our hearts: they don’t give a fuck about women or their lived experiences.

We were pissed. And so were you.

This anger — this hurt and frustration — isn’t new. It’s the same frustration millions of women felt after Anita Hill was summarily dismissed in 1991. It’s the same pain we felt after watching a self-aggrandizing sexual predator become the 45th President of the United States. It’s the anger millions of sexual assault survivors have been forced to swallow as they watch their abusers roam free.

So this time, we were ready.

On Thursday, the folks at Run for Something noticed something that gave us a little bit of hope: People started reaching out to us, seeking a way to get involved and help fight back.

We were so inspired by your decision to mobilize, we took to social media to share. Thousands of people shared our disgust at what had occurred during the hearings and were ready to take a stand.

The Kavanaugh Effect

In the course of 72 hours, 20 times the usual number of people reached out to Run for Something to volunteer, and 4 times the usual number of people reached out to say they’re thinking about running for office. It’s both remarkable and in some respects, unsurprising. The tide in this country is changing; More and more people are waking up, giving the middle finger to the ole’ boys club and saying “Enough of this bullshit.”

Here are some of our favorite messages that were sent in this weekend:

“I am so frustrated with the state of our country and my partner today said, ‘You know, if you spent 10% of the time you spend reading and getting frustrated about politics actually doing something about it, you could make a real difference.’ And he is right. So I want to find out how I can help!”

“I was inspired by the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, and the only person running for PTA President was sharing social media posts in support of Kavanaugh. I want my local public school to be safe and inclusive for my trans daughter.”

“I’m a 46 year old single mom of an awesome 13 year old biracial son. I’m scared for my son to grow up in this environment the current administration is promoting. I’m also a sexual assault survivor and I’ve had it with the lies, hate & destruction from this WH administration!”

“ I didn’t sleep at all the night after the Dr. Ford testimony. I am a behind the scenes type of person & looking to help in any way I can. I just can’t sit & watch as these corrupt people do this to our way of life.”

“I am only 26 and have no political experience, but I am so fed up with everything in government. I want to get involved and support women and people of color running for office especially in my red state. Maybe one day I will even run myself.”

“…I’m a 32 year old queer male on disability who is tired of this shit. I want to see that this can get better, especially knowing my 18 month old nephew has to live in the world we create.”

“…I am a sexual assault survivor and I have 3 daughters and I am filled with a white hot rage that will not be quenched until every last one of these people is thrust upon the trash-heap of history where they belong.”

“For too long I have ignored my civic duty. Dr. Ford has shown all of us the necessity to illuminate facts and instill courteous passion into homes. I hope I can be a small piece of that puzzle.”

“I have no experience, but I have to do something. I have never felt more anxious, sad, or angry with what’s happening in our country than I do right now.”

We applaud everyone that has stepped up to help elect progressive leadership to office. This November may be a watershed moment in American history and everyone’s voice and vote counts.

If you are ready to get involved and make a change, sign up to join the team. Volunteer. Run. Just get involved.

Something’s gotta give, right?

If you want to volunteer:

If you’re ready to run for office:



Run for Something

Recruiting & supporting young people running for office. Building a Democratic bench. Want to help?